AIA podcast features professor's building code compliance app

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Mark Clayton

James Haliburton

Architects can now check their designs’ [International Building Code] ( compliance with a cloud-based app developed by [SMARTreview Inc.] ( , a firm led by founder and CEO Mark Clayton, Texas A&M professor of architecture.

“Only recently have the stars aligned to enable the effective automation of IBC code compliance by combining building information modeling platforms, cloud computing, and digital technology,” said Clayton, SMARTreview’s founder and CEO.

Clayton [explained] ( the app, [SMARTreview APR] ( , on [ArchitectChats] ( , a podcast produced by the American Institute of Architects.

SMARTreview APR utilizes a proposed structure’s BIM data to identify elements of a building design that do not meet IBC standards, and creates an extensive report detailing all the elements of the design’s compliance after IBC design issues are addressed, said Clayton.

The podcast also features James Haliburton, a Texas A&M architecture lecturer and principal of [SZH Architecture] ( , who is beta testing the software.

The IBC, adopted in all 50 states and 25 of the world’s nations, is a tool to preserve public health and safety that provides safeguards from hazards associated with the built environment.  It also addresses the design and installation of innovative materials that meet or exceed public health and safety goals.

Richard Nira

posted April 9, 2018