Students sketch portrayals of 19th century Native American history

Robert Schiffhauer

Students in a fall 2014 figure drawing class led by Robert Schiffhauer, associate professor of architecture, created sketches from reenactments in a dark period of 19th century Native American life.

The reenactments are from a play-in-progress by Susan Gordone, wife of the late Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright and Texas A&M professor [Charles Gordone] ( , about an archivist preparing a museum exhibit explaining the 1890 massacre at [Wounded Knee] ( , South Dakota.

The play’s scenes include portrayals of the [ghost dance] ( , part of a Native American spiritual movement, popular at the time of the massacre, that promised the creation of a new world devoid of nonbelievers.

Other scenes in the play are homages to Edward Curtis, who documented Native American life in more than 40,000 [photographs] ( , 10,000 wax cylinder recordings and biographies of tribal leaders.

The project is the latest in a series of Schiffhauer and Gordone collaborations.

During the spring 2014 semester, students [sketched] ( scenes from a play Gordone is writing about gauchos, Argentine cowboys who in the 19th century helped create the tango.

posted November 11, 2014