Alum foresees clothing of future integrated with technology

Paul Pugh

Paul Pugh

Digital devices in the very near future won’t just be handheld, said a former Texas A&M [environmental design] ( student in an online [article] ( about technology trends.

“Devices on our bodies will multiply,” said Paul Pugh ’89, vice president of creative and software innovation at [frog] ( , a global design and engineering firm that helps companies bring products and services to market.

Pugh’s comments about the future appeared in “20 Tech Trends That Will Define 2013, Selected by Frog,” published by Fast Company magazine.

“Sensors, cameras, input methods, and displays will work their way into our clothing,” said Pugh. “They’ll listen for commands and whisper in our ears.”

People will use handheld displays for fewer tasks as larger displays and projection technologies proliferate, he said.

posted January 16, 2013